Art Post: The Super Freak Out, Part 5

Part 5 of my vacation sketchbook…

A weird looking Haruka, a misc face, and a pretty Michiru ^_^ I’m gonna colour the Michiru sometime, for sure.

Text: “After dinner tues night”
Sailor Saturn with that huge ol’ glaive thingie. This looks weird but I think I’ll finish it anyway.

Harry at Hagrid’s house sitting at his table. Eating that icky fudge. Or whatever it is. HAGRID IS FREAKING HARD TO DRAW. Ashley kept making fun of my Hagrid. I’ll show her. I’ll show them all.

Text: “Happy 4th 10:04 Tues night”
I wanted an excuse to draw a horse. Here it is. didn’t turn out too good. And that girl on the horse is NOT Britan… despite the fact she has her hair and even the star thingie on her forehead ^^;;

Here is Ocha, Britan, and Madison arriving at their hotel for their Beach Party vacation ;D Britan is yelling at Ocha to come carry something other than her purse. Madison is trying to concentrate on not tipping over his rolling suitcase. I have a hard time with that.

The whole gang waiting in the elevator. We had a rough time with the elevators at our condo, man. There were only two for the whole place. And they were SLOW and HOT and SMELLY. Anyway, Britan is looking at the room bill. that’s really the only special point about this one.

Text: “5:00 wed afternoon went to pool. showered. slept. went to beach. showered. slept. exciting day, huh?”
Piper and Miles actually stopped fighting long enough to build a sandcastle together! Aww how cute! Unfortunately, here comes mean old Britan getting ready to knock it down… Madison is trying to figure out how to work the camera so he can take a picture of the castle. Ocha is pretending she doesn’t know these people ;D

I will ALWAYS say “her-me-own.” It’s easy to say than… whatever it is. Here she is in POtions. Her hand looks weird, I’ll have to fix that before colouring.

A different girl, sitting on the beach with her horse. Boring. Another excuse to draw a horse.

Text: “Thurs morning 8:30 we want to go to mall and souvenir places today but everybody else just wants to lie around the beach! bah!”
Sirius Black! *and the crowd goes wild* I like this one ok… I want to draw his motorcycle but I need a reference. Stupid references! How often I’ve wished my brain were connected to my computer so that even when I’m away from it, I can work and look stuff up. That would be awesome.

I wanted to draw a wizard lady person with long pretty hair and a pretty face. So I drew Lily Potter. I really like this one. I can’t wait to finish it.